Goals for 2023

2022 has been another mixed year – I had some things go spectacularly well and other things fall apart. I’ve concentrated on clearing out dead wood, both physical objects – such as a books I’ll never read – and digital items such as old websites. I’ve got far too much stuff in my life and […]

Goals for 2022

2021 has been a mixed year, with some major ups and downs. Hopefully 2022 will be a bit smoother! This year’s goals were: Read 50 books: I’ve read 60 books this year (down from 79 in 2020) – success! Launch at least one of my side projects: Minimal progress on this due to other things […]

Goals for 2021

With what seems like remarkable foresight, but was probably just forgetfulness, I did not set any goals for 2020. For several reasons, including the obvious two, it was mostly a rubbish year, although there were some upsides, such as improving my French from “haven’t written/spoken for 20 years” to A2 on the Common European Framework […]

Goals for 2019

I didn’t do terribly well on my goals for 2018: Improve photography skills: Failed, I can’t even find my camera. Finish Configuration Management with Ansible training course and deliver it at least once: Failed, although I have added another couple of exercises. Read 50 books: Success! According to my Goodreads challenge, I managed 70 books […]

Review of the year

Have done this for the last three years, so here I go again… Best bands seen: Haven’t seen any, though I was mercilessly mocked for not knowing who Ash and Damien Rice were (or indeed James Blunt, but people were more of the opinion that this was a good thing). Worst bands: As above. 🙂 […]

Review of the year

I did this in 2004 and 2005 so here I go again… Review of 2006 Best bands seen: I haven’t seen any bands this year, unless you include Razorlight and KT Tunstall and I didn’t really ‘see’ them. Worst bands: As above. 🙂 Exotic towns/cities visited: I haven’t been anywhere special this year, mainly because […]

Review of the year

I did this review of the year in 2004, and now that I’ve finished what’s probably been the busiest semester so far in the two and a half years I’ve been at uni, I thought it was about time for an update. So here goes… (yes I know it’s not strictly the end of the […]

Review of the year

Via Jennie and David: Best Local bands seen: Don’t know any local bands. Worst local bands: As above. 🙂 Exotic towns/cities visited: Nowhere, not really one for travelling. Girls I fancied but failed to get anywhere with: Ha ha, wouldn’t you like to know. 😉 Girls I fancied and did get with: None. 🙁 Great […]