Clear out

I’ve finally finished handing over the membership secretary position of the UK Shareholders’ Association, posting down the last batch of paperwork earlier this week. I enjoyed the role as it was flexible in terms of time and I was interested in the organisation’s work anyway, but it took up just a bit too much time […]

Working from a shed

Saw this article, Garden offices: The hut parade, in the Grauniad. I think I will do this once I have my own house with a sufficiently large garden…

Getting back into politics

Now that I’m finally approaching the end of my MPhil (first of many drafts handed in today), I’ve spent the afternoon pondering what I want to do once I’ve been freed from academia and let out into the real world. One of the things I’m interested in is getting back involved with politics, sad thought […]


I should really be working on my thesis, but instead I’m hacking together TheyWorkForPerks. Freedom of Information is more important than a few pieces of paper with graphs on.

Looking backwards and forwards

Looking back over the past twelve months, I’m not sure that a great deal has changed—the answers to my usual review of the year are more or less the same. I have managed to land a useful ongoing contract for providing membership services, and taken up positions at UKUUG (chairman and director) and MERCi (trustee […]

The final experiment

I’m reaching the end of my MPhil now (well, the research part anyway—still have 15,000+ words of a thesis to write) and I have one final experiment to run in order to get some results which will hopefully back up the last twelve months of my life. As with the previous experiments, it’s in the […]

Linux 2008 Conference

This year’s UKUUG Linux 2008 conference is being held in Manchester this year, with a pretty impressive range of speakers and a tutorial on Python Web Frameworks on the Friday. I’ll be there for all three days, wearing my new hat of UKUUG chairman, and attempting to learn as much as possible about the various […]

Life update

I’ve just spent the last weekend at FoE conference in Loughborough—three days of workshops, speeches, networking sessions and drinking. I enjoyed it far more than last year, and I think I’m starting to be a sufficiently familiar face for people to recognise me. It was great to catch up with people I hadn’t seen since […]