Last exam

I had my last exam of my degree yesterday morning, the joys of accounting and law. I thought it was going to be a fairly easy ride, having looked at the past papers and gone over the material beforehand. Unfortunately the law paper had nothing on intellectual property, crime or negligence (the three areas that I’m probably most comfortable with) and two out of the four questions were about contracts. The accounting part was even worse, the questions were ambiguous and in my opinion poorly written. Still, I managed to get through the required three questions and I’ve probably not failed.

After the exam we blazed a trail of destruction along Oxford Road, or rather went to several pubs and got very drunk. Somehow I managed to stay right until the end, even though I hadn’t eaten anything or had a drink that didn’t contain alcohol. Even stranger was waking up this morning at six o’clock and feeling perfectly fine, bar the usual horrible pub smell that clings to your clothes.

I’ve just emptied my bag and found a postcard that Chris, Sam and Charlotte signed at some point amongst the general drunkeness wishing me all the best – or in Chris’ case, something which I’m not going to repeat here. 😉

Anyway, despite the fact that I’ve supposedly got nothing to do until my vacation work starts on the 26th June, there’s loads of stuff on my todo list and I could do with a holiday at some point – possibly late next week if I can manage to book something.

4 thoughts on “Last exam

  1. Yes, well. Ahem. Glad you had a nice time:-) I ended up with a bowl full of condiments from Kro, and was awake at 4 the next morning, so we could get to London and go flat-hunting.

  2. Heh. I have no memory of said postcard. I did however have a high-vis jacket and a Kro menu signed by the usual suspects… And a good time was had by all. I suppose now it’s time to get on with the rest of it, eh?

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