Another one bites the dust

I finally got my compilers exam out of the way today. I’ve been worrying about it for some time because I really couldn’t understand the notes when I started to go back over them, even though I seemed to have very few problems following the lectures. Thankfully the paper was slightly kinder to me than I expected, and I could at least make an attempt at the required three questions from a choice of five, though I think my final mark will still be closer to scraping a pass than edging towards a first.

The only exam I have left now is law and accountancy next Wednesday, which gives me a week to revise. I’m not too worried about that one though as I’ve done economics and law at A level, plus the accountancy stuff is basically adding up numbers in a table (it doesn’t get much more complicated at this level). The law paper will almost certainly include a question on intellectual property, which is probably my favourite area of law and something that I know a reasonable amount about anyway.

Other than exams and revising I guess I’ve spent more time than usual at the gym, especially playing fives. I’m starting to get a bit better now, and whilst Jon is still wiping the floor with me I’m at least managing to score a few points and keep the game going before losing. Now if only I could remember to stand in the right position for receiving serves…

Now that most of the exams are out of the way though I can get back to working on the huge list of things to do that’s currently lying on my desk. The freelance writing stuff is going well, my review for UKUUG will apparently be published and I’ve got lots of information from the library and other places about how to get into the profession. There’s also a big list of events for the next two weeks at the university for people about to graduate so I’ll be going along to a number of those to see if anything piques my interest. I also bumped into Sarah (foxe) today and she reminded me about postgraduate stuff, but I think I might wait until I know my degree classification – there’s no point applying for courses if I end up getting less than a 2(i).

Anyway, I need to get back to working on websites and organising the next two or three weeks before I start work in the CS department (and whilst I think about it – Justine/Graham if you can remind me to mention curry for Megs at the pub this week for either the 8th or the 15th June that would be cool :).