Crazy day

Today has been even more crazy than the usual events in the life of Mr Waring.

The day started as normal, with the usual three hours of lectures. Algorithms was good because I found out that tomorrow’s lecture is cancelled and therefore I can go home at 4pm rather than at 5pm, which is cool. The database lecture also got off to an amusing start when the lecturer said “does anyone know about transactions and rollbacks already?” and then said to me “apart from you”. 🙂 (it is actually getting quite worrying how many people in the department know me by sight if not by name as well).

At lunch we had the excitement of Mr Flibble being unveiled by Kirk, and then the opportunity to try using him to fry the people sitting across the room with his hex vision and getting very strange looks from them. Rachel has some photos, including one in which Mr Flibble looks bigger than I do, which I will hopefully get a copy of and upload soon. Kirk was also suitably amused by the way I marched impassively back to the table to stop Danny stealing my seat. 🙂

The afternoon was dominated by our software engineering lab. Fortunately our group had managed to get everything done on time and coherently, so we were able to hand in the report with time to spare and before most of the other groups who were panicking as to what to do or what excuse to use for not having done the work. We also had a pretty productive meeting in which we outlined what we would be doing for the next lab and apportioned the work quite well.

In further craziness. I ended up sitting on the bus next to one of the postgraduate demonstrators who had helped out in some of our labs last year. Surprisingly enough, he recognised me (you see why I’m getting worried about how many people know me in the department now?) and started asking me how I was, what modules I was taking, was I enjoying uni etc. It was cool to talk to someone who had been an undergraduate and was now staying on for further study though, especially as that’s something I may consider as a possible future option.

The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent in a mad panic trying to get my Direct Mapped Cache lab done, which I still haven’t managed yet but I’m hoping for “inspiration” (read: help from a demonstrator) tomorrow morning. I think I have figured everything out apart from one bit which I’m stuck on but hopefully I’ll either get it sorted in time or at least pick up some of the marks.

The rest of the evening was spent, as always on a Monday, at the Burlington with Warped. Her Royal Anarchistness was ill and therefore unable to attend, which was a shame because I was looking forward to that and then heading off to FAB afterwards. We were, however, joined by David’s girlfriend Cat (great, another soppy couple—just what I need 😉 who managed to avoid the Spanish Inquisition that David was expecting her to receive (see, we’re not all that bad, and she didn’t get tickled for information like I have in the past).

As has been the case for the past couple of weeks the group split into the pool table mob and the sofa worshippers, although there was some mixing and merging between the two this time. The time passed better than the previous weeks, even if I did kind of drift off into nothingness towards the end.

Something else also happened on UA that I got advance warning of at Warped but I’m leaving that until tomorrow when I’ve had time to assess the situation and figure out how to deal with it.

Anyway, I am now extremely tired, have a headache, am a bit worried/upset and just want to go to bed. So goodnight all. 🙂

Posted in Uncategorised

5 thoughts on “Crazy day

  1. Wow – am I her Royal Anarchistness proud
    Feeling bit better now – still coughy and don’t want you to get my malady

  2. Yes, you are the Royal Anarchistness. 😉

    don’t want you to get my malady

    Aye, I’d rather not get a cold at the moment, want to feel on form for Blackpool on Sunday. 🙂

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