Ruddigore and other amusements

Once again, the past few days have been rather amusing and interesting in various ways…

On Thursday I had to trapse all the way back to Bury for the first time in ages (I haven’t been home for quite a while) as BT were doing some work on the phone lines and I wanted to make sure that they didn’t break the broadband in the process. Fortunately the guy who came to do the work did a good job and the only effect was that the connection dropped on and off but this whilst he was actually changing round wires so even someone with as much hatred of BT as I do (albeit against a different department) couldn’t blame them for that. If you somehow noticed me or my sites disappear offline for a bit on Thursday that’s the reason (I wouldn’t notice as much because I was on the same network as where they’re hosted so I could still access them).

Friday was the usual “excitement” of database labs followed by software engineering lectures and then a database lecture. Normally this would be a rather boring four hours followed by lunch and then heading off home, but for some reason Rachel couldn’t stop giggling through the databases lecture, causing the lecturer to ask what on earth was so funny. He also asked a question when I was just not at all there and was pointing in my direction, but fortunately he wanted the person behind me to answer. Given that Kirk is supposedly wearing a red nose in next Friday’s session, the lecturer is probably going to think that our row has completely flipped and it’s time to call the men in white coats.

Pressing on to Saturday and a group of us had decided to go and see MUGSS perform the play “Ruddigore”, starring (amongst others) Robin and Nikki from Warped. There was a most amusing silent film at the beginning which involved the Barons of Ruddigore meeting their deaths in various amusing ways that showed the “special effects” budget had been well spent. There were also some chirpy songs and good dancing, which of course went down well with me, and the ghosts were very amusing. Overall it was a good laugh and well worth the £4 entrance fee.

After the musical we headed off to Kro 2, which I’d never actually been to before. The drinks were overpriced (£2 for a pint of coke is a bit much, especially in Manchester) but it is sort of a trendy place and the leather sofas were very comfortable. The conversation mainly centred around UA and Compsoc, given that nearly everyone there is a member of one or both groups (with the exception of Justine and Hugh), but then that’s Warped for you.

Once it approached 7pm the issue of curry was brought up and it was decided to head towards Rusholme in search of food. We ended up in Lal Haweli, which was very nice. I had Chicken Tikka to start (rather hot, although this is by my standards) and then the usual boring Chicken Korma for the main course. The Nan breads were absolutely huge for some reason, and by the end I for one felt well and truly full. We then headed off in the direction of Hardy’s Well for a pint and spent a while discussing nuclear weapons and trying to convince Hugh that actually Manchester is in the North West not the Midlands!

All in all, today was a pretty good day. As usual I was introduced in the customary manner which caused Hugh to comment later that I should switch political allegiances just to annoy people. Lewis also pointed out how I seem to have delegated practically everything to do with Compsoc to other people, to which Tom replied “that’s the sign of a good manager”. I have also realised that if you take a central seat at a table you become part of the conversations and can guide the flow somewhat. It makes such a difference over being on the edge and feeling like you’re not really part of the group, which is probably why I enjoyed the curry and pub more than usual.

Anyway, I am now tired and have a bit of a headache so I’m off to bed in the hope of getting sufficient sleep combined with an early start tomorrow so that I can get all this lab work done.

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10 thoughts on “Ruddigore and other amusements

  1. Maybe you should stop pretending to do work and make CompSoc a new website. Or write these emails begging for hardware. Or help design a new logo. Or help design a new poster. Or help figure out what new services CompSoc will provide. Or help move accounts over. Or…

  2. What’s with the big gaps between the “posted by Fred…’’ and the new person’s comment? Can’t you make it a bit smaller?

  3. I don’t pretend to do work, I’ve got loads of labs to do today and a software engineering report to write, not to mention trying to find a house.

    You know full well that the letters asking for hardware have been written, and once we’ve cleared out some of the junk that’s currently occupying the office I’ll send them off. At the moment we just don’t have any room for more stuff.

    As for the space between the comments, if I reduced it further people complain that they can’t easily see where one comment ends and the next begins. So until I figure out some fancy way of separating comments (I have a couple of ideas) the space will stay.

  4. Oooh. I also went to see Ruddigore! But on Thursday.

    Was very good, and Rose Maybud was hot 🙂

    We went cause our friend was a behind the scenes props guy.

  5. Ruddogire was quite good, for a student production it wasnt half bad, I was expecting much worse. The Dancehouse certianly was a funny venue, with all the shows they seem to have on and the location of the place you would have thought it would be in much better condition than the delapidated state that it was in.

    Lewis is right, you really should get your arse in gear and do some more work for CompSoc, like finding out where we can skip all the crap from our room.

    A simple way to seperate comments is, gasp a seperator bar, just like the one betweeen the “Post a comment’’ header and the details.

  6. I suggested that, but Paul said he didn’t like that for some odd reason.

  7. I’ve put a separator in as was suggested, and now I’ve stepped back and had a look it blends it better than I thought so I’ll leave it there for the time being.

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