This weekend

The computer science department at university has been unreachable all this weekend, so I’ve not managed to get a single piece of lab work done as all the files and applications I need are located on the department’s machines. No-one has been able to login since Friday evening by the sounds of it, which means everyone will probably be clamouring for extensions at the beginning of next week. Ah well.

So, what have I done with myself this weekend then? Not much to be honest—I spent most of it chatting with Kate on UA, who has probably managed to wring all the interesting gossip out of me whilst simultaneously causing me nearly to have a heart attack at least once. 🙂

I also managed to catch up with a few people on MSN, got some washing done and sorted my room out, but that’s about it. Oh, and I did some exercise, which showed me how totally unfit I am and how badly I need to get into shape. 🙂

Just goes to show how overly reliant our department is on computers. Obviously you’d expect this, what with us being computer scientists and all, but it is rather worrying how everything just stops when the network goes down (and there never seems to be a failsafe, or if there is no-one seems to use it).

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3 thoughts on “This weekend

  1. They should pay CompSoc for hosting. I hear they provide a very reliable services these days…

    (but seriously—maybe we could just mirror /opt/info/courses for our own uses 🙂

  2. have they said why it was down, I mean at least you have a good excuse for lateness?!

  3. They haven’t said why it was down, but to be honest it would be rather difficult to inform everyone because I imagine mail is down as well (everything else seems to be) and we can’t login to check it. 🙂

    At the moment, half the Manchester web sites seem to be down, even Compsoc is unreachable (although I can get to the new server). It really is ridiculous, my best guess is that someone’s screwed up one of the core routers at MCC.

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