Exam panic part II

Well, I’ve got a networks exam to look forward tomorrow, and once again I’m in a state of minor panic because I don’t think I know enough to answer the questions that I’m sure I’ll face. I can deal with advantages/disadvantages of one system against another, but I’m dreading any technical questions about the composition of IP packets or anything like that (even though normally I’d be ok with that sort of stuff).

I don’t know why I feel so worried about exams, usually I’m the one in labs being asked “how do I do this?”. I guess it’s the fact that I’m in a situation where I can’t look something up if I’m not sure (which you would obviously do if such a situation arose in the real world) and I have to answer a specific set of questions, some of which I might not actually know the answers to.

Ah well, at 11:45am tomorrow it’ll all be over and I’ll have the weekend to worry about operating systems and the implementation and power of computer languages. I can’t wait until the latter of those is out of the way (Tuesday lunchtime) because that leaves C/C++ which I can whizz through, plus I’m going to my grandad’s/auntie’s house on Wednesday where I always get two decent meals (means a lot when you’re a student!) and to relax a bit. I’m also kept busy with web site work (both mine and for other people) which is good.

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1 thought on “Exam panic part II

  1. Once again, good luck 🙂 (on an allnighter myself, just realised that it dtoally doesn’t work..)

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