Exam panic

My first exam, Software Engineering I, is tomorrow afternoon. Usually I’m reasonably calm about exams, even though I really dislike them, but this time round I suddenly feel really apprehensive and nervous. I don’t know why, perhaps it’s because these are probably the first exams that really mean something (A levels were important, but mainly a step to use to get into university).

In some ways I wish I could put the exams off until I felt more prepared, but I know if that happened I’d never bother to revise anyway and it would just be delaying the inevitable. I have worked for these exams – been to all the lectures (bar one) and gone over the notes but it still doesn’t provide much reassurement. I think I’ll feel better once this particular one is out of the way, although I’m dreading the Implementation and power of computer languages one even more because I don’t understand the theory at all.

Ah well, back to revision and panicking. 🙁

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5 thoughts on “Exam panic

  1. Good luck matie – hope exams are being not TOO painful 🙂

    And remember – there’s no shame in getting a Desmond (2:2) – all the best people do 🙂

  2. Well, this one didn’t go too badly (see latest entry) but I’m still worried about the others. 🙁

    Ah well, if it all goes to pot I still have plan B up my sleeve!

  3. Haha… you are joking right? Me, in the armed forces? You have to pass psychological and fitness tests for that, which I never would. Besides, I wouldn’t want to be in the army unless I was a high ranking officer such as an Admiral.

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