Push forward the frontiers of science still further

As part of the research for my MPhil, I’m running another experiment to try and find out the keywords which people associate with related events on the Web. The survey comes in two parts – first of all you’ll be asked to look at some existing web pages and enter some keywords which you think would help find related stories. After completing this stage, you’ll then be shown some more web pages and asked to rate some suggested sets of keywords for each one. You can complete the survey online – it will probably take about thirty minutes based on the people who have taken part so far.

At the moment the experiment is in a pilot stage before I send it out to a larger audience, so if you have any comments, or manage to break it, I’d love to hear them.

(yes, this experiment is pretty similar to the last one – we decided to change what we were asking people for to make sure that the evaluation is a bit more robust…)